The Alzheimer’s Support Network of South Central Massachusetts is seeking sponsors during our 2020 Sponsorship Drive and we ask for your support to help us meet our goals this year. Please take a moment to consider the local families, friends, and individuals affected by Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. Your sponsorship helps us continue our vital programs including our respite program providing payment for adult day health services, support group meetings, and Alzheimer’s awareness information and referrals. Information is available by calling us at 800-286-6640 extension 3123 or by sending an email to You can also visit our website
The Alzheimer’s Support Network’s families and volunteers are appreciative of your consideration. ASN is an all-volunteer community organization. All of ASN’s educational and supportive programs are provided through the team of ASN volunteers. All donations are used for the direct benefit of local families and caregivers who are involved in the care of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other memory loss conditions.
ASN is a non-profit organization registered with the Office of the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Our AG account number is 020485. Your sponsorships, donations and memorials are tax deductible.
Please take time to join with us today as we continue to provide support to our community. With your support, ASN services can continue. Together, we can sustain and improve our programs of service to local families. Your organization will be listed as a sponsor on our website and displayed at community events.
With Our Sincere Thanks,
The ASN Team and Board of Directors,
Tina Mead, President
J Rondeau, Vice President