Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Board has decided to cancel our Gala Fundraiser at this time. We have discussed that post-poning the event further could create more confusion as the future of the event is very fluid and changing right now. We are in the process of reaching out to all our wonderful donors to let them know that we will use their donations to support our clients and hold onto any auction items for when we can eventually hold this wonderful event to celebrate the work of the Alzheimer’s Support Network. If you require a refund for tickets already purchased, please contact Gina at If you choose not to seek a refund, we will honor any ticket purchased for this event at a future ASN event.
The Board is working hard to implement new ways to support our membership through this pandemic.
If you would like to find out more about open Board positions or volunteer opportunities, please reach out! We thank you for your continued support. Stay safe and stay healthy!

Thank you to our Gala Sponsors and Auction Donors:
Diamond Sponsor:
KARL STORZ Endovision, Inc
Silver Sponsor:
Cornerstone Bank
Auction Donors:
Southbridge Hotel & Conference Center ~ Point Breeze ~ Park N Shop ~ Lake Pizza ~ Mohegan Bowl ~ Flower Garden Florist ~ The Boston Red Sox ~ Kleen Guys ~ Handmade Soaps ~ The Worcester Railers ~ Wachusett Mountain ~ Worcester Bravehearts ~ Pampered Chef ~ Precious Furs Pet Resort ~ Paint Your Own Pottery Studio ~ Market Basket ~ Curves for Women, Webster ~ Southwick’s Zoo ~ Hanover Theater ~ Big Y ~ Tree House ~ Brewing Co-basket ~ Story Land ~ Leicester Church of Christ ~ Kelsey Prince